
Developmental Editing

Investment starts at $.016/word
(60,000 words = $960 / 90,000 words = $1440)

Average turnaround time: 4 weeks

• One round (2-3 complete passes)
• An editorial report (15+ pages)*
• Extensive comments on the manuscript
• Character list and story timeline
• One hour of support post-edit for questions,
brainstorming, and next steps
• A critique of your blurb

*The editorial report highlights strengths and areas for improvement. It includes specific examples from the manuscript, how to fix areas of concerns, and a list of resources.

Done on a work-in-progress or a completed draft, this is an analysis of a manuscript as a whole, focusing on big-picture issues such as plot, characterization, pacing, structure, clarity, genre expectations, and factual inconsistencies. This is the deepest level of editing, often resulting in rewriting or reordering portions of the manuscript.

Line Editing

Investment starts at $.014/word
(60,000 words = $840 / 90,000 words = $1260)

Average turnaround time: 4 weeks

• One round (2 complete passes)
• A simultaneous copy edit
• A style sheet tracking manuscript consistencies**
• A line edit of your blurb

*The editorial report highlights strengths and areas for improvement.

**The style sheet includes general style (capitalization, punctuation, and spelling),
a list of characters, and a list of places.

This comprehensive edit of a completed manuscript focuses on language issues and organization at the paragraph level. It includes smoothing transitions, reorganizing material for readability and flow, cutting repetitive or superfluous content, identifying and offering suggestions on showing vs. telling, editing for consistency of tone, and querying or resolving factual errors and inconsistencies. Specific areas of focus include word choice, phrasing, word/phrase overuse, and variation of sentence structure.

Copy Editing

Investment starts at $.012/word
(60,000 words = $720 / 90,000 words = $1080)

Average turnaround time: 3 weeks

• One round (2 complete passes)
• A style sheet tracking manuscript consistencies*
• A copy edit of your blurb

The style sheet includes general style (capitalization, punctuation, and spelling),
a list of characters, and a list of places.

With a focus on mechanical issues, this edit includes correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and word usage while preserving the meaning and writer’s voice. A consistent style and format (e.g. treatment of capitalization, punctuation, numbers, etc.) is checked and imposed. Some querying or resolving of factual errors, inaccuracies, or inconsistencies in logic may be included.


Investment starts at $.01/word
(60,000 words = $600 / 90,000 words = $900)

Average turnaround time: 2 weeks

• One round (2 complete passes)
• A style sheet tracking manuscript consistencies*
• A proofread of your blurb

*The style sheet includes general style (capitalization, punctuation, and spelling),
a list of characters, and a list of places.

The last step before publication, this is the process of correcting any errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, and typography but refraining from making structural, stylistic, or copy editing changes. Proofreading also ensures consistency in style and formatting. It results in changing isolated phrases, words, or punctuation, but not entire sentences.

Full Manuscript Evaluation

Investment starts at $.012/word
(60,000 words = $720 / 90,000 words = $1080)

Average turnaround time: 3 weeks

• One complete read-through
• An editorial report (7+ pages)*
• One hour of support post-evaluation for
questions, brainstorming, and next steps
• A critique of your blurb

*The editorial report highlights strengths and areas for improvement. It includes specific examples from the manuscript and a list of resources.

This is a high-level overview of what works and what doesn’t in a manuscript, addressing big-picture issues such as plot, characterization, pacing, structure, clarity, genre expectations, and factual inconsistencies.

Partial Manuscript Evaluation

First 5,000 words/20 pages = $150
First 10,000 words/40 pages = $250

Average turnaround time: 10 days

• One complete read-through
• An editorial report (2+ pages)
• A critique of your blurb

*The editorial report highlights strengths and areas for improvement. It includes specific examples from the manuscript and a list of resources.

This is a high-level overview of what works and what doesn’t in a manuscript, addressing big-picture issues such as plot, characterization, pacing, structure, clarity, genre expectations, and factual inconsistencies.

Beta Reading

Investment starts at $.008/word
(60,000 words = $480 / 90,000 words = $720)

Average turnaround time: 2 weeks

• One complete read-through
• A critique (2+ pages)*

*The critique highlights strengths and areas for improvement.

This service provides feedback from a reader's point-of-view on the manuscript as a whole. Areas of focus include plot, characterization, conflict, setting, pacing, and genre expectations.

Sensitivity Reading

Investment starts at $.006/word
(60,000 words = $360 / 90,000 words = $540)

Average turnaround time: 1-2 weeks

• One complete read-through
(entire manuscript or specific chapters)
• A critique (1+ pages)*

*The critique highlights strengths and areas for improvement.

This is reading for offensive content, misrepresentation, stereotypes, bias, lack of understanding, and more in one or more the following areas: anxiety (generalized anxiety disorder and postpartum), depression (general depressive disorder and postpartum), and mental health; bullying; divorce; issues related to body image, fatness, and fatphobia; parenting a neurodiverse child; and single parenting.


Investment: $50 per hour
(Packages available for multiple sessions)

Stuck on a plot point? Looking for a brainstorming partner to develop your characters? Struggling with imposter syndrome? You set the topic(s) and I’ll be there. Get the feedback and clarity you need to feel empowered to move forward.

Submission Package Critique

Investment: $125

Average turnaround time: 1 week

An editorial review of the query letter, synopsis, and first five pages with recommendations on content, structure, and tone, which includes comments and suggestions on the documents, as well as a higher-level overview
• A second review of all materials with a line edit after revisions have been made

With the goal of refining your pitch for clarity, flow, and voice, this is a detailed evaluation of a one-page query letter, a one- to two-page synopsis, and the first five pages of a manuscript.